Federal Public Defender.
Sean Tilton
There are 39 Criminal Justice Act Panel Attorneys in the Western District of Michigan. Attorneys are selected for membership by the Court’s Criminal Law Committee and the Federal Public Defender. Upon receiving an order from the Court, the Panel Administrator within the Federal Public Defender’s Office assigns counsel. The services provided by CJA Panel Attorneys are equivalent to those rendered if counsel were privately retained by the client.
Find a Panel Attorney By Last Name.
A B C D F G H K L M N P S T U V W Z Paul Mitchell 405 Waters Bldg, 161 Ottawa NW Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503 616-742-5880 Michael Manning 901 Lake Shore Drive Escanaba, Michigan 49829 906-280-2009 Cirilo Martinez 3010 Lovers Lane Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001 269-342-1112 Anastase Markou Levine & Levine 136 E. Michigan Avenue, 14th Floor Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007 269-382-0444
Tessa Muir Springstead Bartish Borgula & Lynch PLLC 60 Monroe Center Street, NW, Ste # 500 Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503 616-458-5500
Sarissa Montague Levine & Levine 136 E. Michigan Avenue, 14th Floor Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007 269-382-0444
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